Electric Taxiing Revival Aims At A220 For First Application

In 2011, a team led by L-3 Communications demonstrated electric taxiing at Frankfurt Airport with a Lufthansa Airbus A320. In 2013, Honeywell and Safran showcased electric taxiing on an A320 at the Paris Air Show. Within a few years, in the face of record low oil prices, both projects had been shelved. Amid soaring fuel… Continue reading Electric Taxiing Revival Aims At A220 For First Application

How to get the most out of Carbon Brakes

Carbon Brakes Captain Shem Malmquist The following information was adapted from an article on brake use by Capt. Simon, UAL (Ret), and portions have been reprinted with permission.  It is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to supersede your company procedures.  As always, the guidance in the in official publications should be… Continue reading How to get the most out of Carbon Brakes

DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. FAA-2022-0160; Project Identifier AD-2022-00009-E] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness Directives; CFM International, S.A. Turbofan Engines (summary) AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM). SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain CFM International, S.A. (CFM) LEAP-1A model turbofan engines. This proposed… Continue reading DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration

Which part of a flight uses
the most fuel?

In this analysis, we use the model to take a look at a selection of flights for a specific day and shed some light on which elements of a flight burn the most fuel, Becca Rowland writes for OAG. BOSTON – It may be some time since many of us have taken a commercial flight… Continue reading Which part of a flight uses
the most fuel?

Electric Taxiing Systems: Past, Present and the Possible Future

On average, a single-aisle jet burns more than 65 gallons of fuel while taxiing, which translates to almost $130 per flight (considering the price of jet fuel at $2 per gallon) and around….